Wednesday 29 October 2014

Recruiting Volunteers for Community Association Management, Charlotte, NC


When it comes to community association management, Charlotte is a city with many needs. There are HOA and condo communities all across the cities that do excellent work, maintaining property values and preserving basic association character. As such, there is always a need for both professional association management companies and also individual HOA volunteers.

In fact, while enlisting a professional management company is essential, many HOAs are really fueled by their volunteer board members. The problem with this is simply that recruiting volunteers for your HOA Board can be difficult, with many owners fearing that it will be too much of a time commitment—or perhaps that HOA service is simply over their heads!

When it comes time to recruit some new community association management volunteers, you need to be ready with some answers to common objections. The first objection you’re likely to get is that it’s just too much of a time commitment—so be prepared to state just how much of a time commitment it will be. Often, it is less than people think, especially if you have a professional management company to keep things running smoothly.

You may also have folks who fear that they just do not know enough about HOA management. Reassure them by telling them about the educational opportunities that your professional management company makes available.

In some instances you may even have owners who don’t understand why the work of the HOA matters—so be prepared to explain to them why community association management in Charlotte is so important! More information is available at community association management charlotte.

Sunday 19 October 2014

A Quick Guide to Community Management Services

Your HOA or condo community may be in the market for a new, professional management team—but if you’ve never worked with one before, you may not know what to expect. What exactly do community management services entail, and what’s in it for you when you decide to join one of these companies in strategic partnership?

There are many specific, concrete benefits that a good community management company will offer—too many to outline them all here, in fact. With that said, there are a few important ways in which working with a management company can improve the day-to-day functioning of your Association:

-    A professional management company can assist with the planning and running of annual meetings. The annual meeting is a key event in the life of any Association, and a professional management company will ensure that it is efficient, results-oriented, and well organized.
-    A professional management company can offer comprehensive walk-through and inspection services for your properties, including common areas.
-    Emergency repair and maintenance needs are obviously critical, and a good community management company will make them easily accessible, around the clock.
-    Recordkeeping is also a big concern, and a community management company can ensure that your Association’s records are kept secure and well organized.
-    A final way in which your community association might benefit you is in providing you with vendor procurement and oversight—so that you can rest assured things like lawn maintenance and pest control are in good hands.

Of course, there are many other community management services besides, but this brief list provides some examples of just how advantageous a professional management company can be for your HOA.

More information is available at community management services charlotte.

Thursday 16 October 2014

The Need for Community Association Management in Wilmington

When it comes to community association management, Wilmington HOAs have many needs, many goals, and many areas where they might benefit from professional assistance—but what are some of these areas? Why might a Wilmington, North Carolina HOA community enlist the services of a professional management company?
There are several areas in which the involvement of a community association management company might benefit Wilmington HOA—including:
- Assistance with finance. The Association has many fiduciary responsibilities, and for many volunteer board members these responsibilities can be difficult to understand, much less carry out. A community association management company can offer assistance with everything from budgeting to reserve studies, as well as general financial education.
- Assistance with the law. HOA laws change wildly from one state to the next, and even within North Carolina there are parts of the law that might prove difficult to understand. A professional management company can assist not just with general legal education, but also with representation in lawsuits.
- Assistance with maintenance. When it comes to maintaining common buildings and grounds, it is vital for associations to choose the right vendors. A professional management company can make sure that this is done—as affordably as possible.
- Assistance with community building. A professional community association management company can facilitate clear communication and also coordinate community events.
All told, when it comes to community association management, Wilmington HOAs are smart to call in the pros! A professional management company can help with the issues listed here and many more.
More information is available at community association management Wilmington.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Community Association Management, Myrtle Beach: What Should You be Asking?

When it comes to community association management, Myrtle Beach HOAs and condo communities are smart to enlist professional services. There are many fine community management companies serving the area, including Kuester Management Group—but before settling on one company, Myrtle Beach communities are encouraged to do some due diligence. Research a few different companies; interview them; understand that not all of these companies are created equal, and that it is important to find one that’s a good fit for your community.
While interviewing different community association management companies, ask the following questions:
-    What kind of experience does the company offer? For how many years has the company been active in the Myrtle Beach area?
-    What are the specific qualifications of the community managers? What kinds of education and training do they have, and how long have they been doing this?
-    What steps will be taken to ensure that the community manager chosen is a good fit for your community?
-    How can the management team be communicated with, and how regularly? Is 24/7 service available? Is the community manager going to be accessible in emergency situations?
-    What’s the full list of services included in the management company’s fee?
-    Are there references available?
-    What is the community association management company’s approach to handling maintenance needs?
More than anything, it is simply important to ensure that you know who you’re partnering with—and that you’re sure you pick a management team that’s right for you. When it comes to community association management, Myrtle Beach HOAs need to thoroughly evaluate their many options.
More information is available at community association management myrtle beach.